UCD VetSoc are committed to delivering great events and talks to our members and providing a medium whereby Vets & Vet students can interact.
What is VetSoc?

The vet college is famous for its jam-packed social calendar and community spirit, we are unique amongst other faculties in the amount of time students spend together in college over the 5 years and as a result, a strong social community exists. VetSoc aims to foster this community spirit by coordinating all of these events, and making them possible by ensuring sponsorship from veterinary and pharmaceutical companies and ensuring that they get bigger and better every year.
Our Events
First Year Nights
A rite of passage for every new vet student. Each
of the older years will host a night out where
every 1st year is paired with an older student who
buys them a drink in the famous Vet haunt: Farmer Browns. This is a great opportunity for the fresher vets get to know the older years before heading out to a club, these are the only nights in veterinary where someone else does the buying so definitely not to be missed!
Halloween Mystery Tour
Christmas Carol Service
Another favourite on every vet’s calendar, choir and trad group rehearsals run from as early as October in preparation for a magical night of Christmassy music, singing and the infamous skit song. Now in its 45th year, this is one event where
the abundant talent among our staff and students is showcased and all in aid of the Irish Heart Foundation and IRGT
There’s many a vet night out that calls for fancy dress but by far the biggest is the Halloween Mystery Tour! Starting off in UCD, who knows where the night will end!?
Vet Ball
End of year bbq
By far the most sophisticated of nights out in the
whole year, the annual ball sees Veterinary staff
and students in black tie grace one of the top
Dublin hotels for a huge ball. Expect a wine
reception, meal, prizes for the best dressed, live
band and DJ. Always ends with a huge house party and a lot less elegance than it began……
A final night out after summer exams to bid
everyone farewell for the holidays.
By far the biggest and best event of the year, this event is notorious among vets and vet students across Britain and Ireland! Every November, all of the vet students of
the UK and Ireland come together in one of the vet schools for a wild weekend of sports and partying. One that should not be missed!